
1. 接受条款.  These Website 使用条款, as updated from time to time by Lewis-Clark State College ("LCSC"), apply to this website which is published by a LCSC education, 研究, or service area (internal or external to LCSC) ("website"). You should carefully read these Website 使用条款 before using the website. This is a legally binding agreement. 如果您不同意这些网站使用条款,您无权使用本网站.

2. Access to Password-Protected Areas.  访问本网站的某些部分(“密码保护区域”)可能需要登录名和密码信息. You must have this information in order to access these areas.

3. Online Privacy Statement.  您的个人身份及非个人资料的使用将受本会管辖 Online Privacy Statement. 您使用本网站即表示您已阅读并同意LCSC在线隐私声明.

4. 禁止的行为.  您对您使用本网站的行为负责,并尊重LCSC和第三方(个人或实体)与本网站及其内容有关的权利.

  • You may not 使用 this website for any purpose or in any manner that violates any local, 状态, or federal law or regulation or the law or regulation of any foreign government.
  • You may not violate LCSC's or third parties' rights via downloading, 发邮件, 传输, or otherwise using this website.
  • You may not 使用 this website to post or send any infringing, 威胁, 诽谤, 诽谤的, 淫秽, or pornographic material.
  • You may not 使用 or exploit any portion of this website to distribute commercial messages, “垃圾邮件," or other unsolicited communications.
  • You may not directly or 间接ly, 以任何可能对LCSC或任何第三方造成重大不利影响的方式故意破坏或干扰本网站.
  • Y你不得采取任何行动对LCSC的网络基础设施施加或可能施加不合理或不成比例的大负荷, as determined by LCSC in its sole discretion.
  • You may not bypass any measures LCSC may 使用 to prevent or restrict access to this website.

5. Disclaimer of Warranties.  The 使用 of this website is solely at your own risk. This website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. LCSC明确拒绝对本网站作出任何形式的明示或暗示的保证, 包括, 但不限于, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. LCSC明确拒绝对本网站任何其他用户的行为承担任何责任. Some 状态s do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. LCSC makes no warranty that this website will meet your requirements, or will be uninterrupted, 及时的, 安全, 当前的, 准确的, 完整或无错误,或通过使用本网站可能获得的结果将是准确或可靠的. 您理解并承认,对于本网站的任何缺陷或不满意,您的唯一和排他性补救措施是停止使用本网站. You may have other rights which may vary from 状态 to 状态.

6. Exclusions and Limitation of Liability. You expressly understand and agree that LCSC shall not be liable for any direct, 间接, 偶然的, 特殊的, 重要的, 或者惩罚性损害赔偿, 包括 但不限于, damages for loss of profits, 善意, 使用, 数据丢失, 或因您使用本网站而导致的其他损失(即使已被告知该等损害的可能性).

7. 知识产权.  This website and its contents are owned by LCSC or third parties and are protected by law, 包括 but not limited to copyright and trademark law. 某些内容, such as copyrighted materials and trademarks, are 使用d by permission of third parties. 除非法律允许(如合理使用)或与特定内容相关的明确允许, this website and its contents may not be reproduced, 修改, 分布式, 显示, 执行, or 使用d in any way without the prior written permission of LCSC or the third-party owner.

8. 侵犯版权.  侵犯版权 will be governed by the LCSC 版权政策. Your 使用 of this website indicates that you have read and agree to the LCSC 版权政策.

9. 链接.  This website may include links to other websites. 您承认并同意,这些链接是为方便您而提供的,并不代表LCSC对链接网站或其提供商的任何认可. LCSC对任何链接网站不作任何陈述或保证:您使用任何链接网站的风险完全由您自己承担.

10. 司法管辖区及地点.  本协议以及您与LCSC之间的关系受爱达荷州法律管辖, without respect to its conflict of law provisions. 您同意,就您与LCSC之间的任何争议,将仅在州法院或联邦法院进行审理.

11. 变化.  From time to time, LCSC may change this website and/or the Website 使用条款. If a change to these Website 使用条款 is made, LCSC will post the revised Website 使用条款 on this website. LCSC保留随时增加或更改本网站或停止提供本网站的权利,且不承担任何责任. 本会保留随时拒绝任何人进入本网站及/或其内容而不另行通知的权利.

12. 杂项.  这些网站使用条款构成您与LCSC之间有关本网站的完整协议. 没有代理机构, 任何用户与LCSC之间仅因使用本网站而产生的合伙或合资关系. These Website 使用条款 are binding upon your successors, assigns, heirs and executors. 如果本网站使用条款的任何规定被任何有管辖权的法院认定无效, 该条款的无效不影响本网站使用条款其余条款的有效性, which shall remain in full force and effect. LCSC未能行使或执行本网站使用条款的任何权利或规定,并不构成对该等权利或条件的放弃. 由本网站或本网站使用条款引起或与之相关的任何索赔或诉因必须在该等索赔或诉因产生后一年内提出. 本网站使用条款的章节标题仅为方便起见,不会对本协议的实质含义产生任何影响.

13. 你的责任.  The Internet is a valuable tool for LCSC's education, 研究, or service areas. LCSC鼓励您注意其网站的意图和目的,并负责保护您的个人身份信息.

  • 孩子们.
    • If under the age of 18: Some internet sites may ask you to share information about yourself. Before sending any information about yourself over the Internet to LCSC, be sure to ask your parents for permission.
    • If under the age of 13: If you are under the age of 13, 你的父母/法定监护人将需要核实他们是否允许你通过相应的LCSC网站披露个人身份信息.
  • 父母/Legal Guardians.  LCSC鼓励你在孩子使用互联网之前,与他们讨论安全和负责任的计算,在互联网上发送有关他们自己的任何信息,在孩子使用互联网方面发挥积极作用.
    • 孩子们 under the Age of 13: If your child is under the age of 13, LCSC要求您在允许您的孩子提交个人身份信息之前查看网站并遵循要求的验证程序.

14. 终止.  LCSC may block, suspend, or terminate your 使用 of the website at any time for any reason.  Reasons LCSC might do so include, 但不限于, the following: (a) your breach of this agreement; (b) LCSC is unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us; or (c) LCSC believes that your actions could ca使用 financial loss or legal liability to LCSC or other 使用rs of this website; (d) routine network maintenance affecting all 使用rs; or (e) your 使用 of this website or service in a manner that violates the law or LCSC policies.

15. 联系信息.  If you have questions about these Website 使用条款, you should contact the LCSC education, 研究, or service area (internal or external to LCSC) which publishes the website. Many websites will contain contact information.